April 21, 2018




Entry Level Social Content Writing Service

This is an entry level service catered to very small businesses who wish to outsource their social media.

We write the content based on your website, and an online Business Profiler that you’ll complete. Once your profiler is complete, you’ll be up and running within 10 business days!

Designed to deliver the perfect amount of social content, at the right frequency, for each platform; our experts will profile your company and create a tailored program of promotion which goes out 5 days a week.

Also includes:

  • SLYDE Pro dashboard
  • Custom content about your company
  • Custom hints and tips for your industry
  • You can interact with us via our support system
  • Easy 7-14 day content review system
  • All content by native English speakers

What you can expect:

  • Keep social media feeds active and interesting
  • Reach new potential customers
  • Enable people to find you via social media
  • Track the campaign easily inside the dashboard



Strategic Campaign

This is a more advanced service aimed at small to medium sized businesses. Our team of experts will manage your social profiles including Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

This package includes everything in the Content Writing package as well as:

  • High quality, tailored images and social media content.
  • Finding and posting appropriate supportive and engaging articles.
  • Short lived and seasonal promotions.
  • Whiteboard “explainer” video custom created and promoted for your company.
  • Entire social dashboard in your brand, hosted on our domain.
  • 2 x custom designs (branded) in the visual composer tool.

What you can expect:

  • Increased audience followers/likes
  • Real, relevant, followers
  • Content engagement
  • Inquiries and sales leads



LIVE Campaign

This is the equivalent of employing a full time social media expert at your company, at a fraction of the price.

This package includes everything in the Social Campaign package above as well as:

  • Website social retargeting (we’ll make a series of ads and run them in social media to drive traffic to your website).
  • Social media interaction. We will respond to and initiate comments and interaction within your social profiles, including answering questions and queries.
  • Weekly blog article to be posted on your website and promoted within the social media content.
  • Monthly managed and distributed press release of anything new and exciting that is happening within your company.
  • 10 x custom designs (branded) in the visual composer tool.
  • Custom video service (for people, promotions, products or services).

What you can expect:

  • Larger budgeted ad campaigns
  • Substantially increased reach
  • Increased, targeted audience of followers/likes
  • Real, relevant, targeted followers
  • Increased content engagement
  • Increased inquiries and sales leads
  • Audience personally engaged with comments & likes
  • Queries & comments answered
  • Lead management
  • Monthly competitions & prizes


prices vary depending on the package
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